Leading You Into The Future Indoor Positioning Systems Technology

with the world's only self-contained indoor navigation platform

Mapsted's patented core technology allows you to navigate the indoors without the technical limitations experienced by other solutions, giving you a highly accurate and cost-effective indoor positioning system.

Why Are Traditional Indoor Navigation Systems So Costly To Deploy?

Other indoor positioning systems require the use of expensive external hardware and costly maintenance fees.

To ensure maximum coverage of the indoor space, multiple beacons, tags, and other hardware need to be installed throughout the facility for accurate indoor positioning. To give you an idea, generally, five Bluetooth Beacons are needed for every 150 square meters to ensure full coverage.

This process of installation can be time-consuming and costly. The initial purchase of the hardware in addition to the maintenance costs and battery replacement can really start to add up.

What Are Some Main Technologies Being Used For IPS?


Sends satellite signals to your phone to determine location. Although a great choice for outdoor navigation it falls short for indoor positioning.

  • Needs uninterrupted satellite signal to work properly
  • Can not determine the floor level the device is located on
  • Users demand better than the 30 to 100-meter accuracy you would typically get indoors using GPS technology
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BLE Beacons

Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons transfer data one way to your phone in order to find your position relative to the Beacon.

  • Additional hardware needed (beacons)
  • The maintenance required for battery replacement is very costly
  • 1-5 beacons needed per 150 square meters to ensure full coverage
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Magnetic Field

Uses magnetic sensor data from your smartphone to find objects or people inside your space.

  • If the environment changes within the building it causes drastic inaccuracies for navigation
  • Magnetic intensity readings can be phone-specific
  • Sensitive to environmental changes such as renovations, kiosk placement, & furniture rearranging
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Ultra Wide-Band (UWB)

Short radio pulses are transmitted every few nanoseconds to obtain location positioning. In general, most smartphones do not have UWB receivers, so it is typically only available using specialized hardware which is very expensive

  • Requires external hardware ie. tags
  • Extremely expensive
  • Deployment is very difficult in complex building structures
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Other Technologies

The technologies mentioned above are common options for use in location-based services; although there are many other technologies that exist. Click on a technology to learn more:

InfraredLearn more
UltrasonicLearn more
Image-BasedLearn more

Mapsted’s Indoor Positioning System Needs No External Hardware

The Ultimate Solution in Indoor Positioning Technology

We are the only company that offers a comprehensive indoor navigation solution without the use of expensive external hardware components and added maintenance costs.


Our Next-Generation World-Leading Indoor Navigation Technology Will Elevate Your Business To New Heights

Let us show you how you can leverage hardware-free location positioning technology to better engage your customers and digitize their in-person experiences!

Case Study: GITEX

During the four-day conference, each user actively navigated with Mapsted's navigation technology for more than 55 minutes. And 1600 users spent more than 90 minutes using the location services. That's the power of analytics at work.

See how the organizers of GITEX used our detailed real-time data to keep their audiences engaged throughout the show.

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